Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 4 Ιανουαρίου 2012


School Board of the Patriarchal School of Sion
President: Metropolitan of Eleftheroupolis, Christodoulos
Members: Archimandrites Demetrios and Galaktion
School Board of Jerusalem
President: Metropolitan of Capitoliad , Isyhios
Tel: +972-2-6260493, cell: +972-545-832695, Fax: +972-2-6264334
Members: Archimandrite Ieronymos & Stewart  Issa Mouslech
Secretary: Mr. Fandi Abdelnur
School Board of Jordan
President: Archimandrite Innocentios
Members: Mr. Boulos Alfar and Mr. Ibrahim Hitsazin
Tel: +962-79-5557727, +972-547-581563
1.Gymnasium (Secondary School) and Lyceum of the Holy Community of the All Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
Principal: Monk Fotios Kiousis, Physics
Manager of the Boarding School: Monk MartyriosTeachers
Metropolitan of Eleftheroupolis, Christodoulos
Mr. Nikolaos Zervis, Theologist
Mr. Spyridon Mexis, Mathematician
Mr. Demetrios Papagiannis, Philologist
Mr. Constantine Prasinos, Physics
Mrs. Despina Tomara, Theologist
Mrs. Catherine-Irene Kokotou, Theologist
Mr. Ioannis Kokovidis, Computers
Mr. Charalampos Vakakis, Byzantine Music
Mrs. Sofia Stathi, English language
Mr. Fandi Abdelnur, Arabic language
Mrs. Pamela Schwed, English language
Mr. Hanna Assi, Arabic language

Students  15
Address: Greek Orthodox College,
                P.O.Box 14055, Jerusalem 91140, Israel
                Tel: +972-2-6719773, Fax: +972-722-111629
2.Experimental Patriarchal School of Saint Demetrios in Jerusalem
Mixed, six- grade Elementary, Gymnasium and Lyceum, for the children of the Arab Orthodox Community

Principal: Mr. Samir Zananiri, Cell: +972-545-292583
Teachers: 33
Students: 272
Tel: +972-2-6282610 and Fax: +972-2-6273069
3.In Amman 
Elementary, Gymnasium and Lyceum
Principal: Mr. Edward Smerat
Teachers: 47, Students: 600
4.In Akaba  
Elementary School
Teachers 38, Students: 500
5.In Remli 
Elementary, Gymnasium and Lyceum
Teachers: 45, Students: 600
6.At the Village of the Shepherds
Kindergarten, Elementary, Gymnasium and Lyceum
Principal: Mr. George Saante, Tel: +972-2-2772042, Fax: +972-2-2774332
Teachers: 48, Students: 600, Kindergarten children:26
7.At Ramalla
Elementary, Gymnasium and Lyceum
Principal: Mrs. Nahinta Natour, Tel: +972-2-2963208, Fax: +972-2-2956890
Teachers: 37, Students: 273
8.At Taymbe
Elementary, Gymnasium and Lyceum
Principal: Mrs. Ambir Chourie
Teachers: 36, Students:380, Kindergarten children: 40
Tel: +972-2-2898192, Fax: +972-2-2899135
9.At Fhes
Elementary, Gymnasium and Lyceum
Principal: Mrs. Nofa Daoud
Teachers:  45, Students : 600
10.At Madeba
Elementary, Gymnasium and Lyceum
Teachers: 73, Students: 1187, Kindergarten children: 166
E-mail: neworthodox@hotmail.com

The educational Institution at Madeba was built and also continually expands under uninterrupted care and provision of the Patriarchal Representative Archimandrite Innocentios of Madeba and of the Holy Community of the All Holy Sepulchre.
11.At Gaza
Kindergarten, Elementary School and Gymnasium
Principal: Mrs. Mouna Tarazi
Teachers: 35, Students : 500
Tel: +972-8-287764
12.At Joppa , Experimental Patriarchal School
In Charge of Administration: Archbishop of Joppa, Damaskinos
Members: Archimandrites Nifon, Sofronios & Ieronymos
Principal: Mrs Nazla Hamhan
Students 300
Beyond the above mentioned schools, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem today maintains about eighteen (18) full Schools with a total number of approximately eight and a half thousands (8,500) boys and girls students and seven hundred (700) teachers in Israel, in the Palestinian Authority and in Jordan.  
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